World Campus Tutoring

Spring 2025 Tutoring for College of IST World Campus Courses:

  • Fall tutoring starts the week of January 19 and ends on May 3, 2025. 
  • We have tutors available online to help with most 100 and 200-level SP25 College of IST courses, plus some upper-level courses

Schedule a World Campus Tutoring appointment

Need help with 100 or 200-level (some 300 and 400-level) College of IST courses? The IST World Campus Peer Tutoring Program is a centralized academic support resource for students in World Campus who are enrolled in College of Information Sciences and Technology programs at Penn State.

We provide scheduled, virtual one-on-one coaching to help World Campus undergraduate students practice and reinforce concepts in the College of IST curriculum. Tutors are trained to help you puzzle through the problems on which you are stuck, but you will do the work of learning and reap the benefits! The tutors’ job is NOT to re-teach course material. Rather, the tutoring team will aid students in their learning by helping to clarify unclear concepts and by supporting students as they practice skills and apply new understandings.

We kindly request that you allow us a minimum of 24 hours to confirm any appointments that are requested. Thank you!

If you have questions about World Campus tutoring, contact us at

What can tutees expect at our sessions?

All World Campus tutoring sessions are scheduled by appointment and take place on Zoom. Any World Campus student taking an IST course can sign up for a tutoring session.

While participating in our sessions, tutees can expect the following from the tutoring staff:

  • A positive attitude and supportive demeanor 
  • A culture of hard work and integrity
  • Fair, ethical, and equitable treatment of all students 
  • Discussion and explanation of unclear course concepts so that you can complete assignments and assessments on your own

We expect the following from  students who attend tutoring:

  • Log in ready and willing to actively participate in your learning by reviewing course notes and content ahead of time
  • Attempt or complete the coursework in the course(s) for which you are seeking support
  • Abide by the IST Honor Code